Video Analysis Post

Olivia Wabski
3 min readMar 30, 2022


“Here’s where drivers are seeing the biggest breaks on gas prices” features male and female correspondents interviewing Jeff Stein, a White House Economics Reporter.

To put it simply, the video is about the Biden administration possibly lowering the cost of gas at a national level. Stein explains how the problem with gas prices was thrusted onto administration and how big of an issue it has become to lawmakers and their constituents.

B-roll and photography

The process of including the video interview was flawless. While the correspondent is introducing Stein, the network shows a full photo of Stein. However, network divides the screen three ways a few seconds into the introduction. This could be to keep the viewers attention on the speaker as they’re just showing what he looks like because once Jeff Stein begins speaking, the network focuses on his screen once again.

Around 25 seconds into the interview, the network includes B-roll of people putting gas in their cars, the sales price increasing as the pump fills the tank, a final sale price of $70.82 for a total of 12.005 gallons, sign showing starting price of gas at $5.89 as well as a host of photos of gas pumps, cars, gas prices, oil refineries and oilmen.

The photos range from 5–10 seconds in duration. All of this is done to ensure that the network keeps the viewer engaged while the subject is talking.


The news package included a graphic that listed the national average price of gas. While it was basic, it got the job done. The text was well spaced out, color coded to match the network’s aesthetic, and the graphic provided enough white space so the viewer wouldn’t be overwhelmed by the information on the screen. Finally, the biggest feature on the screen was the most important — the listed “$4.35 PER GALLON.” The viewers’ attentions are geared towards the most important information shown.

The second graphic included is to show which states have temporary suspended their gas taxes. It is a map of the United States whited out. Maryland, Connecticut and Georgia are outlined in dark green, and California, Indiana and West Virginia are outline in the network brand green. Next to the map is a zoomed in photo of the eagle on a dollar bill. This graphic also color coded to match the network’s aesthetic.


As for the actual interview, Stein stays on topic, not staying from the topic or changing the topic. Halfway through the video, the female correspondent asks Stein a question. At this time the works topic changes from “Reducing Prices at the Pump” to “States Issues Temporary Gas Tax Holiday.” Additionally, Stein speaks in laymen’s terms, not using any jargon that the viewer cannot understand.




Olivia Wabski

Olivia Wabski is currently a junior at Missouri Western State University, majoring in Convergent Journalism.